I've "made strong arguments" in favor on getting an Intel mac this fall and not risking "gen1" arm macs ... but now I find myself not needing to upgrade, and see a gen1 arm mac as a possibility ... hmmm 5 years ago 1 min read
Looking at my lack of writing over the past months, I admit that the state of the nation and world are most on my mind when I'm away from work, and so its been hard to get excited at the idea of writing about tech or games ... need 5 years ago 1 min read
I realized this morning that I haven't even thought about personal blogging in quite a while; my last post was 3 months ago (ignoring these microposts). On wednesday, that will be "Q2 done, no blogging." 5 years ago 1 min read
While I am generally unenthusiastic about HUDs like Google Glass, right now I'd love a HUD that mirrored my iPhone that I could interact with hands-free. For when I'm out and about in a #COVID world. 5 years ago 1 min read
Forget Video Conferencing—Host Your Next Meeting in VR [https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/consumer-electronics/audiovideo/forget-video-conferencinghost-your-next-meeting-in-vr] : "Recent advances have made VR the superior technology for conferences and meetings, some experts claim" (IEEE Spectrum) 5 years ago 1 min read
I’m finding the whole “watching my XRP balance change in response to blog posts” fascinating. The amounts are tiny, because the views are small, but it’s “not nothing.” If more people used coil.com, or similar, this could be a viable model for creators. 5 years ago 1 min read
Hey, I checked my XRP balance, which I set up when I put Coil on my website ... almost $5 made. It's not much, but it's something, off very little traffic. Kinda cool. #newmodelsfortheweb 5 years ago 1 min read Personal
So many things I need to get written down before I forget. Planned posts for the near future include a second audio post, and some reflections on the overall design of our social virtual spaces for the conference. Let me know if there are other posts you want to see. 5 years ago 1 min read