Professor, Designer, Husband, Father, Gamer, Bagpiper

I'm currently Head of AR/VR Research at JPMorganChase. I'm on leave from my position as a Professor at Northeastern University, with appointments in the School of Art+Design in the College of Art, Media, and Design, and the Khoury College of Computer Sciences. I'm also an Adjunct Professor at Georgia Tech, where I worked for 23 years. For most of my career, I've worked on mixed reality (mostly augmented reality, but more recently also virtual reality), designing software to help non-geeks (i.e., people "not like me") create interactive experiences that appear to live around them in the physical world, and in exploring the potential of these experiences to change how we work, play and live. I'm excited to be working at JPMorgan Chase to bring these technologies into real-world use.

In recent years, I've focused on social mixed reality. I spent time at Mozilla from 2016-2020, working on WebXR and related topics to help ensure the web is a safe, secure, open environment for augmented reality and virtual reality development. Over the past 10 years, I've become personally and professionally focused on the Climate Crisis, which has fueled my interest in using distributed, social mixed reality to support online conferences, meetings, and teaching.

I have done consulting with The MacMynatt Group, a firm I founded in 2015, although am not available for consulting while working at JPMorgan Chase. Prior to The MacMynatt Group, I ran Aura Interactive with Maribeth Gandy. In my spare time, I hang out with my wife (and kids when they are home), and am looking forward to exploring the greater Boston area as we transition there from Atlanta. I play the bagpipes (although set that aside during the lockdown, as they were pretty loud for other folks in the house), have helped out with technology at my kid's schools, and play the occasional video game, especially Overwatch and Valorant (I used to be pretty good at Rocket League, but don't play it much anymore).

In these pages, you'll find pointers to some of the projects I've worked on over the years, some articles I've written, and my blog, which focuses on augmented reality but also touches on education, games, design, and occasionally politics.

I've started mixing regular and micro blog posts. The idea is really interesting; a way to share small thoughts (like on twitter) but retain control over the content on your own publishing platform. My is at

Some recent posts

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