Professor, Designer, Husband, Father, Gamer, Bagpiper

In my current role at JPMorgan Chase, I am not taking on any consulting roles.

My consulting company, the MacMynatt Group, helps clients solve problems using Mixed Reality. I have been working in the field since 1991, and have expertise in Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, security and privacy in MR, web-based AR/VR (WebXR), social MR, and the full range of technologies on which MR/AR/VR systems are built. I have working with MR systems for cultural heritage, advertising, military, enterprise, games and entertainment, and consumer applications. I’ve worked on experiences using kiosks, room-sized installations, experimental designs using custom-made head-worn displays, and mobile systems on a range of platforms and operating systems. My teams have also released AR-enabled web browsers, handheld Augmented Reality games, and applications on Android and iOS.

As the lines between Augmented and Virtual Reality continue to blur, and the importance of social MR becomes central to our online lives, I can help you understand how best to leverage these technologies to enhance your business or create new opportunities. I have worked with dozens of companies, large and small, as a professor and consultant. I’ve consulted with mobile technology, media, games and interactive design companies. Leveraging my long experience with augmented reality, mixed reality and mobile computing, I am happy to discuss short or long term consulting, and am also available for more specialized services, including expert witness consulting.

If you are interested in having me consult with your company, you can contact me at

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