Talk at AWE-NY on “AR Development using Web Technologies”
On March 25th, I gave a short talk at AWE-NY covering some thoughts onĀ developing AR applications using web technologies. Ā I am particularly interested in developing AR for web browsers, not using web technologies as the development environment for building custom applications. Ā Of course, I focused on our work on the Argon AR-enabled web browser and the argon.js Javascript toolkit, but I also touched on how these technologies fit without the spectrum, and trajectory, of AR technologies for the web.
At a high level, as someĀ of the currently-proposed technologies for the web (e.g., WebRTC, WebCL, etc) become more widespread,Ā simple AR applications will become possible. Ā But there are holes that remain, such as theĀ inability to efficiently process real-time video in Javascript, as well as the inability to find out the intrinsic parameters of the device cameras.
Here's the talk, and a PDF of the slides I used.
{% youtubes YP2KGszYvXU %}
Slides:Ā ar-web-programming-2.pdf